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As the impact of COVID-19 continues to develop here in the UK, Ron Hull Group has updated its office and site operations to prioritise the safety and wellbeing of all its employees, subcontractors, suppliers and clients.

We now have new measures and procedures in place which are protecting our workforce and clients whilst we carry out our daily site activities.  Our site teams are fully functional and we are working at a full working capacity.  The objective of the Emergency Preparedness Instruction is to protect the welfare of all Ron Hull Group employees and its contractors whilst remaining operational throughout its business, introducing robust control measures in the prevention of a Pandemic situation.

What should Individuals do to protect themselves and others from the pandemic?

It is important that the following practices are adhered to:

- Individuals should use a tissue to cover their nose and mouth when coughing and/or  sneezing, dispose of the tissue promptly and then wash your hands.
- Tissues should be disposed of in general waste – they do not require any special treatment.
- Individuals should not use cloth handkerchiefs or reuse tissues.  This practice carries a risk of contaminating pockets or handbags which may then re-contaminate hands every time they go into these places.
- You should clean your hands frequently, especially after coughing, sneezing, and using tissues.  Soap and water are perfectly effective means of cleaning hands.
- Surfaces (e.g. desks and tables) and objects (e.g. Mobile phones, keyboards etc.) need to be wiped with disinfectant regularly.
- You should minimise touching of the mouth, eyes, and/or nose, unless you have recently cleaned your hands.
- Normal household detergents and water should be used to clean surfaces frequently touched by hands.
- You should clean your hands as soon as you get to work and when you arrive home.

Application in the workplace

The following measures have been introduced for reducing the spread of the virus at work: 

- Bring together a Steering Group to review this procedure and monitor current global and UK situation and development.
- Monitor behaviours and ensure appropriate hand washing is being undertaken by all employees and contactors 
- Senior management to identify persons that can work from home and encourage they do so, to assist in the Governments strategy for remaining at home and reducing non-essential travel.
- Raise awareness among all employees of the signs and symptoms of the virus and the need for individuals to self-isolate (stay at home) if they have symptoms consistent with coronavirus.
- Reinforce the need for staff to adopt good hand hygiene practices and minimise touching the mouth, eyes, and/or nose. 
- Review all workplaces to ensure that 2-metre distancing can be maintained.

Work Areas/Stations

- Reduce the number of people each person has contact with by using ‘fixed teams of partnering’.
- Review working operations to (where 2metres cannot be maintained) ensure no face to face operations take place. (use back to back or side to side working).
- Review pinch points within the workplace where potential there is a potential contact with other persons. 
- Use screens/barriers to separate people from each other. Increase the frequency of surface cleaning and hand washing facilities in all work areas.
- Ensure sufficient cleaning materials are available in all work areas and sites.
- Identify an isolation area should someone become unwell, prior to being removed from site and taken for medical treatment.
- Identify a storage bins where infected material/PPE can be stored (only if required), prior to being disposed of correctly. 
- Raise awareness on person to person contact and maintaining ‘2 metre’ spacing where possible.
- Prominently displayed signs to be erected to discourage employees and visitors with flu symptoms from entering the workplace and remind people of:

*The signs and symptoms of flu.

*The importance of respiratory etiquette and hand hygiene at all times.

- Cleaning contractors to be notified to ensure all surfaces are cleaned frequently.
- Advise employees to follow advice issued by NHS 111 regarding treatment for the disease.
- Regularly refer to Public Health England for updated information.

Steering Group Members

Ron Hull Group Steering Group members for the company will keep updated by reviewing the Governments published guidance, announcements and updated daily briefings from Public Health England (PHE), Government and World Health Organisation (WHO).

The situation is constantly evolving and we are monitoring the situation daily, if the Government enforces any further measures we will adapt wherever necessary to comply and will provide regular updates of our current status.