Collecting/Recycling And Managing Your Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Waste
The Ron Hull Group are aware of the waste recycling challenges facing companies today - with electrical waste in particular a key issue for businesses attempting to manage their waste legally and environmentally. With the majority of organisations now using electronic equipment on a day-to-day basis the amount of redundant electrical equipment disposed of in landfill sites has increased dramatically over recent years.
The Ron Hull Group offer a simple WEEE Directive compliant disposal and recycling solution for businesses and individuals.
Our Rotherham Waste Management Facility is an Approved Authorised Treatment Facility for WEEE products where we can recycle all of the major WEEE categories:
- Large domestic and commercial appliances - including fridges/freezers/aircon equipment, washers/dryers/dishwashers, cooking appliances, microwaves, electric heating/cooling appliances etc. In particular fridges have been the subject of legislative requirement since 2002, requiring them to be specially recycled in order to effectively manage their ozone-depleting gases. We separate and recover the metals and plastics for recycling and safely capture and dispose of any residual ozone-depleting gases - actively reducing the amount of residual waste destined for landfill.
- Small domestic and commercial appliances - including vacuums/cleaning appliances; irons/toasters/fryers etc, electric knives, hairdressing/grooming appliances, clocks/watches etc.
- Redundant IT and Telecommunications equipment and peripherals - including servers/PCs, printers/faxes/photocopiers, network hardware and peripherals (routers/switches/keyboards/mice/monitors etc.), telephones/answering machines, laptops etc. All disposals of computer equipment must be undertaken in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998 - which requires that personal data must be irrevocably erased from all equipment prior to disposal. In addition, some computer equipment such as CRT Monitors are classed as Hazardous Waste and must be disposed of legally and responsibly - Ron Hull Jnr Ltd can undertake this for you and provide you with the requisite Certificate of Destruction or Hazardous Waste Transfer Note for your audit purposes.
- Consumer equipment - including radios, TVs, video cameras/recorders, hi-fi equipment, musical instruments etc.
- Lighting equipment - fluorescent tubes of all types, discharge lamps including sodium and metal halide, and other lighting/equipment except filament bulbs
- Domestic and commercial electrical and electronic tools - including sewing/knitting machines, power drills, mowers/garden equipment, electric saws/sanders etc. welding equipment, milling equipment etc. (except large-scale industrial tools bolted in situ - which our sister company Ron Hull Demolition can recover)
- Toys/leisure and gym/sports equipment - including video games/consoles; gym equipment such as rowing/running machines etc.
- Medical equipment/devices - including lab equipment, analysers, health monitors, freezers etc.
- Domestic and commercial monitoring and control instruments - including smoke/carbon monoxide detectors, thermostats, transformers, measuring/weighing/other detection devices etc.
The Ron Hull Group will ensure that you comply with all documentation requirements when disposing of your WEEE waste - this will either be a Waste Transfer Note, Hazardous Waste Transfer Note and/or Certificate of Destruction noting the collection, transfer and disposal for your "Duty of Care" audit requirements.
We can collect your WEEE waste in a range of skips/waste containers from 4 cubic yards to 50 cubic yards, and offer a Wait-and-Load Service on an ad-hoc or short-term/long-term contract basis. Please let us know your requirements on booking this service.
For more details on our WEEE collection and destruction/recycling services please contact us or alternatively you can ring us on 01709 524115 and one of our highly experienced Waste Management Consultants will advise on managing your WEEE waste effectively and legally.
WEEE By-Product Sales
Ron Hull Group can supply high quality by-products resulting from our quality preparation and processing of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
Examples of our WEEE by-product re-use are:
- Baled transformer tape
- Clean Copper Granules - resulting from: recycling copper cable removed from power cables
- Clean Copper - recycled from copper elements
- Aluminium Ingots - resulting from any aluminium parts removed and recycled
- Shredded Steel - steel scrap parts removed and shredded for resale into ferrous steel markets
- Plastic - recycled for further re-use
- Non-Ferrous/Precious Metal recovery from circuit boards - granulated into valuable copper/nickel etc. recyclates
- Stainless Steel - stainless steel scrap parts removed and recycled for resale/re-use in the nickel/non-ferrous metals industry